Psychological conflict.
Updated: (07/07/2020) *still under review by the autor.

Internal conflict consumes the human being's energy, wears it out and bring confusion. When intense, it makes the person sick. Motivation decreases, in some cases it seeks isolation because few understand the drama that develops inside this individual . The ability to respond to challenges is compromised, opportunities are lost, relationships become impoverished and a break up often happens.
When he/she is aware of what is going on inside him/her, he/she looks for help. It can be help from a health professional or even spiritual help. Good friends always come to support in situations like this. With a sincere and energetic investment, the conditions to facilitate the improvement of the situation are greatly favourable.
However, when the individual is not aware of the conflict that he / she lives in, the situation gets more and more complicated. Any indication by friends or family that seeking help is necessary is refuted, often with the argument of - "I am not crazy". Certainly, in the course of time, the situation becomes so entangled that she either convinces herself that she needs help, the family tries to intervene more rigorously . In this case, the path to restoration is tortuous but possible.

How to live with a person in constant conflict and who refuses to seek help? Even when the person in our circle of acquaintance recognizes this conflict and seeks help, the challenge persists, even if it is lessened.
Understanding that help is needed and taking steps to facilitate the therapeutic process is important. It is also important to understand that this person is connected to a system, family, friends, workplace and community. Being aware of the dynamism in the systems can be crucial to find a balance point.
Few understand or pay attention to those who are exposed to situations where a close person lives in conflict, even slightly. Especially in the case of those who refuse to seek help. Anguish and despair, at whatever level, have a cost.
For those who suffer from internal conflict, a step in the right direction, the search for help, can be fundamental so that those who are dear to this individual , can also benefit, thus developing confidence, hope and motivation to help.
Messias Nascimento - Psychologist