What is Jornada Interior about?
We want to see a peaceful world, full of opportunities, understanding and love. It seems to be far from the reality we live now. Sorrow caused
by decease, war, economical losses as result of it, social restlessness, as people fight injustice, an environment crises that threatens the
very existence of our civilization and to complete, political movements flirting with extremes. Many feel confused in the struggle we live now, in
some cases it reflects even in our social circle. Some give up filled with sadness and a sense of impotence to change the way situations unfold.
Jornada Interior in dedicated to promote peace, balance, well-being and a more harmonious relationship with ourselves, each other and the nature.
With simple messages we stimulate people to find a way of life based in humanistic values and plenty of meaning in life.
We are going to look at every dimension of human life and think together about actions which can take to improve the quality of life.
Jornada Interior
Self-knowledge and Meditation
July 3, 2020Clique aqui para versão em Português.
Mindfulness exercises are know to be very effective to improve well-being and quality of life. If they are done in regular bases it will increase the probability of good results. If you want to know more about mindfulness, please send a message and I will be very happy to answer you.
Transpersonal Experience
The transpersonal experience opens our consciousness to a more profound understanding of reality. This new understanding and perception are a challenge to our way of life, since the quality of this experience is subtle and not accessible to most people and not measurable through scientific method. What to know how to deal with it. Feel free to get in touch with Jornada Interior.
Civilization in transition
We live in a very crucial and we learn in quick step more and more about the changes which our planet passes through and the implications to our civilization. Though many actions are being taken to easy the influence of humans in the climate of the planet, remains to know if they will cause some improvement. There are many doubts and since the actions taken were very short of what is really necessary to influence in the dynamics of the situation, the prognostic is dramatic. Change is on the way. Are you ready?